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* What is a BOOK?
Books are on the bookshelves (nằm trên kệ sách).
A row of books (một hàng sách) is on each shelf.
Books need to be on your hand and made of paper (làm bằng giấy)
A book contains pages (trang).
The pages are bound (được giới hạn) between covers (a front one and a back one) (bìa).
There is a spine (gáy) of the book.
A hardback book has hard covers which can't bend easily. Otherwise, a paper book has soft covers which is bendable.
A page is also called a leaf. And I'm leafing through the book (lật sách).
Books are on the bookshelves (nằm trên kệ sách).
A row of books (một hàng sách) is on each shelf.
Books need to be on your hand and made of paper (làm bằng giấy)
A book contains pages (trang).
The pages are bound (được giới hạn) between covers (a front one and a back one) (bìa).
There is a spine (gáy) of the book.
A hardback book has hard covers which can't bend easily. Otherwise, a paper book has soft covers which is bendable.
A page is also called a leaf. And I'm leafing through the book (lật sách).
Book Expression
* to throw the book at someone means you are in serious trouble

Ex: The judge threatened to throw the book at me if I didn't stop insulting the police officer.
Thẩm phán đã đe dọa sẽ nghiêm khắc trừng phạt tôi nếu tôi không thôi lăng mạ các nhân viên cảnh sát.
* to be in someone's bad books: If you're in someone's bad books, they are not pleased with you.
ngược lại là: to be in someone's good books
Ex: - Make sure you don't get in the boss's bad books. If you do, he'll make life hell for you.
Hãy chắc chắn rằng anh không khiến ông chủ không hài lòng về anh. Nếu anh làm thế, ông ta sẽ làm cho cuộc sống của anh trở thành địa ngục.
- Better to stay in her good books.
Tốt hơn là khiến cho cô ấy hài lòng.
* to turn over a new leaf: to change your behavior
Ex: Apparently he's turned over a new leaf and he's not drinking any more.
Rõ ràng anh ta đã bắt đầu cư xử tốt hơn và anh ta không còn uống rượu nữa.
* to speak volumes about someone / something: if something speaks volumes, it makes a situation very clear without the use of words
Ex: What we wear speaks volumes about our personality.
Những điều chúng ta hứa cũng đã nói lên tính cách của chúng ta.
* to take a leaf out of someone's book: to behave or to do something in a way that someone else would

Ex: You had better do it your way. Don't take a leaf out of my book.
Bạn nên làm theo cách của bạn thì hơn. Đừng bắt chước tôi.
* to do something by the book: to follow all the rules when you do something
Ex: Our lawyer is very good and he does everything by the book.
Luật sư của chúng tôi rất giỏi và anh ta làm mọi việc theo nguyên tắc.
Sưu tầm từ tienganh.com.vn
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