Friday, June 1, 2007

101 thành ngữ tiếng Mỹ

Trau dồi vốn Anh Ngữ
101 American English Idioms
For all non-native English speakers to understand and speak English
like an American!

1. Smell a Rat
- feel that something is wrong

2. Go to the Dogs
-become run-down

3. Fishy
- strange and suspicious

4. Take the Bull by the Horns
- take decisive action in a different situation

5. Horse of a Different Color
- quite a different matter

6. Let the Cat Out of the Bag
- inform beforehand

7. For the Birds
- uninteresting and meaningless

8. Straight From the Horse’s Mouth
- from a reliable source

9. Horse Around
- play around

10. Cat Got Your Tongue?
- can’t talk?

11. Get in Someone’s Hair
- bother someone

12. Shoot Off one’s Mouth
- express one’s opinions loudly

13. Jump Down Someone’s Throat
- become angry with someone

14. Pay Through the Nose
- pay too high a price

15. Tongue-In-Cheek
- not serious

16. Pull Someone’s Leg
- fool someone

17. Play It by Ear
- improvise as one goes along

18. Stick Out One’s Neck
- take a risk

19. Shake a Leg
- hurry!

20. All Thumbs
- clumsy

21. Not Have a Leg to Stand On
- to have no good defense for one’s opinions or actions

22. Drive Someone Up a Wall
- annoy someone greatly

23. String Someone Along
- lead someone on dishonestly

24. Sell Someone Down the Rive
- betray someone

25. Snow Job
- insincere talk

26. Spill the Beans
- reveal a secret

27. Feed Someone a Line
- deceive someone

28. On Ice
- set aside for future use

29. Shoot the Breeze
- chat informally

30. Bite the Dust
- go down in defeat

31. Bend Over Backwards
- try very hard

32. Hit the Hay
- go to bed

33. Cough Up
- give unwillingly

34. Jump the Gun
- to be hasty

35. Scratch Someone’s Back
- return a favor

36. Hit the Ceiling
- become very angry

37. Fork Over
- hand over, give

38 . Turn Someone Off
- disgust someone

39. Go Fly a Kite
- go away!

40. Kick the Bucket
- die

41. Raise a Stink
- protest strongly

42. Wet Blanket
- dull or boring person who spoils the happiness of others

43. Keep Under One’s Hat
- keep something a secret

44. Up One’s Sleeve
- concealed

45. Dressed to Kill
- wear one’s finest clothing

46. Give Someone the Slip
- make a getaway

47. Knock Someone’s Socks Off
- enthuse and excite

48. Talk Through One’s Hat
- make foolish statements

49. Lose One’s Shirt
- lose a great deal of money

50. In Stitches
- laughing very hard

51. Lemon
- something defective

52. Out of the Woods
- out of danger

53. Get Up on the Wrong Side of the Bed
- wake up in a bad mood

54. Out on a Limb
- in a risky position

55. Eating Someone
- bothering or worrying someone

56. Get the Ax
- be dismissed, fired

57. In the Hole
- in debt

58. Bite the Bullet
- endure in a different situation

59. Face the Music
- accept the consequences

60. Blow It
- fail at something

61. At the End of One’s Rope
- at the limit of one’s ability to cope

62. On One’s Last Legs
- sick and failing

63. Hot Under the Collar
- extremely angry

64. One the Line
- in danger of being lost

65. For a Song
- for very little money

66. Make a Splash
- be successful and attract attention

67. Have the World by the Tail
- be successful and happy

68. Sitting Pretty
- in a fortunate position

69. Feel like a Million Dollars
- feel wonderful

70. Kick Up One’s Heels
- celebrate

71. Bury the Hatchet
- make peace

72. Paint the Town Red
- carouse and have a good time

73. Get Away Clean
- escape punishment

74. Come Alive
- brighten up and become active

75. Toot One’s Own Horn
- boast

76. Stick to One’s Guns
- maintain one’s position

77. Get the Ball Rolling
- initiate action

78. Mind One’s P’s and Q’s
- take care in speech and action

79. Hang On
- persevere

80. Give It One’s Best Shot
- try hard

81. Make Ends Meet
- pay one’s bills

82. Get the Jump on Someone
- get the advantage over someone

83. Pull Strings
- exert influence

84. Spread Oneself Too Thin
- become involved in too many activities

85. Go to Bat for Someone
- help out and support someone

86. Duck Soup
- easy, effortless

87. Money Talks
-money can influence people

88. Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
- do not agitate a potential source of trouble

89. Shape Up or Ship Out
- behave properly or leave!

90. If the Shoe Fits, Wear It
- admit the truth

91. Different Strokes For Different Folks
- everyone has different interests and tastes

92. Bark Worse Than One’s Bite
- not as bad-tempered as one appears

93. Eyes Are Bigger Than One’s Stomach
- take more food than one can eat

94. Put One’s Money Where One’s Mouth Is
- follow through with a stated intention

95. The Early Bird Catches the Worm
- arriving early gives one an advantage

96. People Who Live in Glass Houses Shouldn’t Throw Stones
- one should not criticize when one is equally at fault

97. All’s Well That Ends Well
- a successful outcome is worth the effort

98. Get in Someone’s Hair
- bother someone

99. Get Off Someone’s Back
- stop bothering someone

100. Leave Someone High and Dry
- abandon someone

101. Sell Someone Short
- underestimate someone

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